November 02, 2022

how can i keep from singing?

i genuinely love Enya's music, what can i say—i'm a sucker for pretty music. i also genuinely love Maurice Rickard, and the music they regularly release as SNWV. often when listening to a good SNWV drone i will find myself singing along (how can i keep from it? 😎), and often what comes out is "my life goes on in endless song..." that is what sparked me to ask Maurice if they would like to collaborate on this study (it was Enya month for the PRF Monthly Tribute).

Maurice sent me some beautiful guitar + Max/MSP drones to work with, and i got busy (in between episodes of Atlanta S4, which omg) layering some other guitar + vocal stuffs. i'm really happy with how it turned out, particularly in headphones.

i took some video footage this past Saturday at Cobus Creek County Park at one of my favorite spots (right by Punk Rock Tree) and thought it synched up nicely w/ our recording. so yeah, if you need something calm to look at/ listen to dive on in. 🧡

ps: I should also note that you can hear SNWV featured on our song "gone" from the new rutabega record:

pps: this Fri (11/4) is another Bandcamp Fri which would be a perfect day to purchase the aforementioned new rutabega album if you are In The Market. You can do that HERE.


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